Meziantou.Analyzer 2.0.26


Meziantou.Analyzer on NuGet Meziantou.Analyzer on NuGet

A Roslyn analyzer to enforce some good practices in C# in terms of design, usage, security, performance, and style.


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If you are already using other analyzers, you can check which rules are duplicated with well-known analyzers

Id Category Description Severity Is enabled Code fix
MA0001 Usage StringComparison is missing ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0002 Usage IEqualityComparer<string> or IComparer<string> is missing ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0003 Style Add parameter name to improve readability ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0004 Usage Use Task.ConfigureAwait(false) ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0005 Performance Use Array.Empty<T>() ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0006 Usage Use String.Equals instead of equality operator ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0007 Style Add a comma after the last value ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0008 Performance Add StructLayoutAttribute ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0009 Security Add regex evaluation timeout ⚠️ ✔️
MA0010 Design Mark attributes with AttributeUsageAttribute ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0011 Usage IFormatProvider is missing ⚠️ ✔️
MA0012 Design Do not raise reserved exception type ⚠️ ✔️
MA0013 Design Types should not extend System.ApplicationException ⚠️ ✔️
MA0014 Design Do not raise System.ApplicationException type ⚠️ ✔️
MA0015 Usage Specify the parameter name in ArgumentException ⚠️ ✔️
MA0016 Design Prefer returning collection abstraction instead of implementation ⚠️ ✔️
MA0017 Design Abstract types should not have public or internal constructors ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0018 Design Do not declare static members on generic types ⚠️ ✔️
MA0019 Usage Use EventArgs.Empty ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0020 Performance Use direct methods instead of LINQ methods ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0021 Usage Use StringComparer.GetHashCode instead of string.GetHashCode ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0022 Design Return Task.FromResult instead of returning null ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0023 Performance Add RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture ⚠️ ✔️
MA0024 Usage Use an explicit StringComparer when possible ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0025 Design Implement the functionality instead of throwing NotImplementedException ⚠️ ✔️
MA0026 Design Fix TODO comment ⚠️ ✔️
MA0027 Usage Prefer rethrowing an exception implicitly ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0028 Performance Optimize StringBuilder usage ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0029 Performance Combine LINQ methods ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0030 Performance Remove useless OrderBy call ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0031 Performance Optimize Enumerable.Count() usage ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0032 Usage Use an overload with a CancellationToken argument ℹ️
MA0033 Design Do not tag instance fields with ThreadStaticAttribute ⚠️ ✔️
MA0035 Usage Do not use dangerous threading methods ⚠️ ✔️
MA0036 Design Make class static ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0037 Usage Remove empty statement ✔️ ✔️
MA0038 Design Make method static (deprecated, use CA1822 instead) ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0039 Security Do not write your own certificate validation method ✔️
MA0040 Usage Forward the CancellationToken parameter to methods that take one ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0041 Design Make property static (deprecated, use CA1822 instead) ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0042 Design Do not use blocking calls in an async method ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0043 Usage Use nameof operator in ArgumentException ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0044 Performance Remove useless ToString call ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0045 Design Do not use blocking calls in a sync method (need to make calling method async) ℹ️ ✔️
MA0046 Design Use EventHandler<T> to declare events ⚠️ ✔️
MA0047 Design Declare types in namespaces ⚠️ ✔️
MA0048 Design File name must match type name ⚠️ ✔️
MA0049 Design Type name should not match containing namespace ✔️
MA0050 Design Validate arguments correctly in iterator methods ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0051 Design Method is too long ⚠️ ✔️
MA0052 Performance Replace constant Enum.ToString with nameof ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0053 Design Make class sealed ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0054 Design Embed the caught exception as innerException ⚠️ ✔️
MA0055 Design Do not use finalizer ⚠️ ✔️
MA0056 Design Do not call overridable members in constructor ⚠️ ✔️
MA0057 Naming Class name should end with 'Attribute' ℹ️ ✔️
MA0058 Naming Class name should end with 'Exception' ℹ️ ✔️
MA0059 Naming Class name should end with 'EventArgs' ℹ️ ✔️
MA0060 Design The value returned by Stream.Read/Stream.ReadAsync is not used ⚠️ ✔️
MA0061 Design Method overrides should not change default values ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0062 Design Non-flags enums should not be marked with "FlagsAttribute" ⚠️ ✔️
MA0063 Performance Use Where before OrderBy ℹ️ ✔️
MA0064 Design Avoid locking on publicly accessible instance ⚠️ ✔️
MA0065 Performance Default ValueType.Equals or HashCode is used for struct equality ⚠️ ✔️
MA0066 Performance Hash table unfriendly type is used in a hash table ⚠️ ✔️
MA0067 Design Use Guid.Empty ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0068 Design Invalid parameter name for nullable attribute ⚠️ ✔️
MA0069 Design Non-constant static fields should not be visible ⚠️ ✔️
MA0070 Design Obsolete attributes should include explanations ⚠️ ✔️
MA0071 Style Avoid using redundant else ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0072 Design Do not throw from a finally block ⚠️ ✔️
MA0073 Style Avoid comparison with bool constant ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0074 Usage Avoid implicit culture-sensitive methods ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0075 Design Do not use implicit culture-sensitive ToString ℹ️ ✔️
MA0076 Design Do not use implicit culture-sensitive ToString in interpolated strings ℹ️ ✔️
MA0077 Design A class that provides Equals(T) should implement IEquatable<T> ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0078 Performance Use 'Cast' instead of 'Select' to cast ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0079 Usage Forward the CancellationToken using .WithCancellation() ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0080 Usage Use a cancellation token using .WithCancellation() ℹ️
MA0081 Design Method overrides should not omit params keyword ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0082 Design NaN should not be used in comparisons ⚠️ ✔️
MA0083 Design ConstructorArgument parameters should exist in constructors ⚠️ ✔️
MA0084 Design Local variables should not hide other symbols ⚠️ ✔️
MA0085 Usage Anonymous delegates should not be used to unsubscribe from Events ⚠️ ✔️
MA0086 Design Do not throw from a finalizer ⚠️ ✔️
MA0087 Design Parameters with [DefaultParameterValue] attributes should also be marked [Optional] ⚠️ ✔️
MA0088 Design Use [DefaultParameterValue] instead of [DefaultValue] ⚠️ ✔️
MA0089 Performance Optimize string method usage ℹ️ ✔️
MA0090 Design Remove empty else/finally block ℹ️ ✔️
MA0091 Usage Sender should be 'this' for instance events ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0092 Usage Sender should be 'null' for static events ⚠️ ✔️
MA0093 Usage EventArgs should not be null ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0094 Design A class that provides CompareTo(T) should implement IComparable<T> ⚠️ ✔️
MA0095 Design A class that implements IEquatable<T> should override Equals(object) ⚠️ ✔️
MA0096 Design A class that implements IComparable<T> should also implement IEquatable<T> ⚠️ ✔️
MA0097 Design A class that implements IComparable<T> or IComparable should override comparison operators ⚠️ ✔️
MA0098 Performance Use indexer instead of LINQ methods ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0099 Usage Use Explicit enum value instead of 0 ⚠️ ✔️
MA0100 Usage Await task before disposing of resources ⚠️ ✔️
MA0101 Usage String contains an implicit end of line character 👻 ✔️ ✔️
MA0102 Design Make member readonly ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0103 Usage Use SequenceEqual instead of equality operator ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0104 Design Do not create a type with a name from the BCL ⚠️
MA0105 Performance Use the lambda parameters instead of using a closure ℹ️ ✔️
MA0106 Performance Avoid closure by using an overload with the 'factoryArgument' parameter ℹ️ ✔️
MA0107 Design Do not use culture-sensitive object.ToString ℹ️
MA0108 Usage Remove redundant argument value ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0109 Design Consider adding an overload with a Span<T> or Memory<T> ℹ️
MA0110 Performance Use the Regex source generator ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0111 Performance Use string.Create instead of FormattableString ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0112 Performance Use 'Count > 0' instead of 'Any()' ℹ️
MA0113 Design Use DateTime.UnixEpoch ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0114 Design Use DateTimeOffset.UnixEpoch ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0115 Usage Unknown component parameter ⚠️ ✔️
MA0116 Design Parameters with [SupplyParameterFromQuery] attributes should also be marked as [Parameter] ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0117 Design Parameters with [EditorRequired] attributes should also be marked as [Parameter] ⚠️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0118 Design [JSInvokable] methods must be public ⚠️ ✔️
MA0119 Design JSRuntime must not be used in OnInitialized or OnInitializedAsync ⚠️ ✔️
MA0120 Performance Use InvokeVoidAsync when the returned value is not used ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0121 Design Do not overwrite parameter value ℹ️
MA0122 Design Parameters with [SupplyParameterFromQuery] attributes are only valid in routable components (@page) ℹ️ ✔️
MA0123 Design Sequence number must be a constant ⚠️ ✔️
MA0124 Design Log Parameter type is not valid ⚠️ ✔️
MA0125 Design The list of log parameter types contains an invalid type ⚠️ ✔️
MA0126 Design The list of log parameter types contains a duplicate ⚠️ ✔️
MA0127 Usage Use String.Equals instead of is pattern ⚠️
MA0128 Usage Use 'is' operator instead of SequenceEqual ℹ️ ✔️ ✔️
MA0129 Usage Await task in using statement ⚠️ ✔️


Id Suppressed rule Justification
MAS0001 CA1822 Suppress CA1822 on methods decorated with BenchmarkDotNet attributes.
MAS0002 CA1822 Suppress CA1822 on methods decorated with a System.Text.Json attribute such as [JsonPropertyName] or [JsonInclude].

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  • No dependencies.

Version Downloads Last updated
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2.0.122 12 12/20/2023
2.0.121 11 12/15/2023
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2.0.119 11 12/05/2023
2.0.118 12 12/05/2023
2.0.117 10 12/05/2023
2.0.116 12 02/15/2024
2.0.114 10 12/05/2023
2.0.113 10 12/05/2023
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2.0.111 11 12/05/2023
2.0.110 8 02/07/2024
2.0.109 10 02/07/2024
2.0.108 10 02/07/2024
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2.0.106 10 02/07/2024
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2.0.98 7 01/10/2024
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2.0.96 11 12/15/2023
2.0.95 10 02/07/2024
2.0.94 9 01/10/2024
2.0.93 11 02/07/2024
2.0.92 9 01/10/2024
2.0.91 11 01/28/2024
2.0.90 7 02/07/2024
2.0.89 11 02/07/2024
2.0.88 13 02/07/2024
2.0.87 11 02/07/2024
2.0.86 8 02/07/2024
2.0.85 12 02/15/2024
2.0.84 9 02/07/2024
2.0.83 9 02/07/2024
2.0.82 8 02/07/2024
2.0.81 11 02/15/2024
2.0.80 10 01/22/2024
2.0.79 10 02/07/2024
2.0.78 9 01/10/2024
2.0.77 8 02/07/2024
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2.0.73 9 02/13/2024
2.0.72 10 02/07/2024
2.0.71 13 02/07/2024
2.0.70 9 01/22/2024
2.0.69 10 01/10/2024
2.0.68 9 02/07/2024
2.0.67 8 01/17/2024
2.0.66 9 01/22/2024
2.0.65 9 01/10/2024
2.0.64 9 01/22/2024
2.0.63 10 02/07/2024
2.0.62 12 01/10/2024
2.0.61 9 02/13/2024
2.0.60 8 02/15/2024
2.0.59 9 02/15/2024
2.0.58 8 02/15/2024
2.0.57 9 02/15/2024
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2.0.54 12 02/15/2024
2.0.53 8 02/15/2024
2.0.52 9 02/15/2024
2.0.51 7 02/15/2024
2.0.50 7 02/15/2024
2.0.49 10 01/05/2024
2.0.48 9 01/13/2024
2.0.47 12 02/15/2024
2.0.46 8 02/15/2024
2.0.45 12 12/29/2023
2.0.44 8 02/15/2024
2.0.43 11 02/15/2024
2.0.42 10 12/29/2023
2.0.41 11 02/15/2024
2.0.40 13 02/15/2024
2.0.39 9 02/15/2024
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2.0.37 8 02/15/2024
2.0.36 9 02/15/2024
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2.0.34 8 02/15/2024
2.0.33 11 02/15/2024
2.0.32 11 02/15/2024
2.0.31 9 02/15/2024
2.0.30 11 02/15/2024
2.0.29 10 02/15/2024
2.0.28 9 02/15/2024
2.0.27 7 02/15/2024
2.0.26 10 02/15/2024
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2.0.16 10 02/07/2024
2.0.15 10 02/15/2024
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2.0.13 8 02/15/2024
2.0.12 11 02/15/2024
2.0.11 9 02/15/2024
2.0.10 9 10/20/2023
2.0.9 9 02/20/2024
2.0.8 9 02/20/2024
2.0.7 9 06/14/2023
2.0.6 9 02/20/2024
2.0.5 9 06/14/2023
2.0.4 9 02/20/2024
2.0.3 9 06/14/2023
2.0.2 9 02/20/2024
2.0.1 9 06/14/2023
2.0.1-beta.1 4 02/15/2024
1.0.758 9 02/20/2024
1.0.757 9 02/20/2024
1.0.756 8 02/20/2024
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1.0.753 12 02/20/2024
1.0.752 10 02/20/2024
1.0.751 9 02/20/2024
1.0.750 13 02/20/2024
1.0.749 10 02/20/2024
1.0.748 12 02/20/2024
1.0.747 10 02/20/2024
1.0.746 7 02/20/2024
1.0.745 10 02/20/2024
1.0.744 9 02/20/2024
1.0.743 11 02/20/2024
1.0.742 9 02/20/2024
1.0.741 10 01/18/2024
1.0.740 9 02/20/2024
1.0.739 7 02/20/2024
1.0.738 11 02/20/2024
1.0.737 10 02/20/2024
1.0.736 9 02/20/2024
1.0.735 7 02/20/2024
1.0.734 9 02/20/2024
1.0.733 12 02/20/2024
1.0.732 10 02/20/2024
1.0.731 10 02/20/2024
1.0.730 8 02/20/2024
1.0.729 10 02/20/2024
1.0.728 6 02/20/2024
1.0.727 9 02/20/2024
1.0.726 8 02/20/2024
1.0.725 8 02/20/2024
1.0.724 9 02/20/2024
1.0.723 13 02/20/2024
1.0.722 9 02/20/2024
1.0.721 12 02/20/2024
1.0.720 12 02/20/2024
1.0.719 9 12/21/2023
1.0.718 12 02/20/2024
1.0.717 8 02/20/2024
1.0.716 9 02/20/2024
1.0.715 10 02/20/2024
1.0.714 12 02/20/2024
1.0.713 12 02/20/2024
1.0.712 10 01/22/2024
1.0.711 8 02/20/2024
1.0.710 8 02/20/2024
1.0.709 9 02/20/2024
1.0.708 10 02/20/2024
1.0.707 11 02/20/2024
1.0.706 9 02/20/2024
1.0.705 7 02/20/2024
1.0.704 7 02/20/2024
1.0.703 9 02/20/2024
1.0.702 12 02/20/2024
1.0.701 12 02/20/2024
1.0.700 12 02/20/2024
1.0.699 9 02/20/2024
1.0.698 8 02/20/2024
1.0.697 9 02/20/2024
1.0.696 8 02/20/2024
1.0.695 9 02/20/2024
1.0.694 8 02/20/2024
1.0.693 9 02/20/2024
1.0.692 7 02/20/2024
1.0.691 10 02/20/2024
1.0.690 9 02/20/2024
1.0.689 10 12/29/2023
1.0.688 9 02/20/2024
1.0.687 9 12/29/2023
1.0.686 11 02/20/2024
1.0.685 9 01/19/2024
1.0.684 10 02/20/2024
1.0.683 9 02/20/2024
1.0.682 9 02/20/2024
1.0.681 10 02/20/2024
1.0.680 9 01/08/2024
1.0.679 7 02/20/2024
1.0.678 10 02/20/2024
1.0.677 11 02/20/2024
1.0.676 8 02/20/2024
1.0.675 7 02/20/2024
1.0.674 10 02/20/2024
1.0.673 9 02/20/2024
1.0.672 9 02/20/2024
1.0.671 10 10/20/2023
1.0.670 10 02/20/2024
1.0.669 8 02/20/2024
1.0.668 7 02/20/2024
1.0.667 11 12/21/2023
1.0.666 10 02/20/2024
1.0.665 7 02/20/2024
1.0.664 11 02/20/2024
1.0.663 9 02/20/2024
1.0.662 9 02/20/2024
1.0.661 11 02/20/2024
1.0.660 9 02/20/2024
1.0.659 9 02/20/2024
1.0.658 12 02/20/2024
1.0.657 9 02/20/2024
1.0.656 10 02/20/2024
1.0.655 8 02/20/2024
1.0.654 12 02/20/2024
1.0.653 10 01/26/2024
1.0.652 12 02/20/2024
1.0.651 10 02/20/2024
1.0.650 12 02/20/2024
1.0.649 9 02/20/2024
1.0.648 7 02/20/2024
1.0.647 10 02/20/2024
1.0.646 9 02/20/2024
1.0.645 11 12/29/2023
1.0.644 7 02/20/2024
1.0.643 9 02/20/2024
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